"بعد جهود مضنية استمرت لأكثر من 5 ساعات متواصلة، وبإمكانيات بسيطة وخطورة بالغة، تمكنت طواقم الدفاع المدني من إنقاذ الطفلة غزل مسعود من تحت الأنقاض، إثر قصف الاحتلال الإسرائيلي لمنزلهم في شمال قطاع غزة قرب مدرسة الفاخورة صباح اليوم." - Source
After strenuous efforts that lasted for more than 5 continuous hours, with simple capabilities and extreme danger, the Civil Defense crews were able to rescue the child Ghazal Masoud from under the rubble, after the Israeli occupation bombed their home in the northern Gaza Strip near Al-Fakhoura School this morning.
Early morning, an Israeli strike targeted the house of the Masoud family
The strike brought down 3 floors of the house on the family, including 12 year-old Ghazal Masoud, who was rescued by Civil Defense crews after 5 hours. The girl unfortunately passed away 4 hours later from her injuries. Bringing the death toll to 3.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.