Safad School Videos

Civil Defense recover more martyrs from the rubble of Safad School

Resolve of elderly survivor from Safad school

Safad school: Full documentation of the triple airstrike

Safad school massacre: Civil Defense footage

Summary of assault on Safad school

Rescue from the rubble of Safad school: elderly man, child dead

Another live footage of Safad school airstrike

Violent bombing of Safad school

Little children injured in Safad school massacre

Resolve of elderly survivor from Safad school

Scenes after the third strike on Safad school

Scenes after the third strike on Safad school

Second strike on Safad school

Safad school massacre: waving hand for rescue

Cloud of smoke and dust billows over Safad school

Second and third strikes on Safad school

Recovering martyrs from the rubble of Safad school

Safad school massacre: waving hand for rescue

Third IDF strike on Safad School

First moments after IDF bombed Safad School

IDF triple strike on Safad school kills 11

IDF triple strike on Safad school kills 11

IDF triple strike on Safad school kills 11

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.