Tough Guy Videos

Brave IDF soldier chasing children

The Kisiya family fights to reclaim their property from violent settlers after 22 days.

UN HQ should be closed and wiped off the face of the earth

"Al-Quds is ours" Settlers harass journalists reporting the desecration Al-Aqsa mosque

Just start war with Iran and Lebanon, it'll be easy

Yeah I'm racist, take this to America for them sanctions - Settler thug

IDF: No Hamas leader will be safe EVEN AMONG CIVILIANS

MK: we'll kick families of "terrorists" to Gaza

MK: we'll humiliate terrorists' families and expel all of you to Gaza

Soldiers parade "cockroaches", Palestinian abductees

Soldiers from the 5280 Battalion of the Alexdroni Brigade joke about committing the crime of domicide

Group of IDF soldiers perform an ISIS-like pep-talk

IDF soldier expresses his excitement about the just-begun upcoming slaughter in Rafah

How many Palestinians have you killed? Twenty.

Wish they burn alive

Don't mess with our People

Subliminal and the Shadow

Finish the Job

Nowhere to return to Gazans

IDF smash dishes to celebrate victory over a Gazan kitchen

Why can't IDF go to back its terrorist origins!?

1988-crowd applauds YItzhak Rabin boasting his killing, injuring and detaining Palestinians

Back from the dead to haunt you

Gvir's Got a Gun

Cries of civilians as background noise

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.