IDF Psychos Videos

Crushing cars with a tank

Bed and Breakfast

Candles Tank

Stopped Counting Erased Neighborhoods

β€˜These are your homes, and we are destroying it.’

Mosque Montage

IDF sodliers riding stolen bicycles from Palestinian children homes

Middle School

IDF soldier Matan Cohen sings on guitar stolen from displaced Palestinian

Dinosaur Costume


Back from the dead to haunt you

Explosion as Big as Your Heart

Am Yisrael Boom

Drink and Hookah and Boom


Confession/jokes of a Child Killer

Gifts of Death

Rifling through panties to find perverts

Phone Call

Smile and Boom

The Smile


Negotiations and peace haha

Smoking Cigarettes and Communities

Burn or Bulldoze Comedy Routine

Boom for views

Neighborhood Gone For Fun

Save the Date

Knock Knock

Where is the sugar?

MATADOR rocket fun

Necklace made in Gaza

Planting a tree in Gaza

Hugging is a blast

Happy Birthday Daughter Ella (have some death)

Killer Santa

Stolen hookah?

Grenades for fun



Cries of civilians as background noise

Throwing Turds

Call to Prayer Boom

Stolen Motorcycle?

a little light repels a lot of darkness

Your Turn!

Celebrating Hanukah Home Destruction

Matadors are fun

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.