"3/3 הכפר ח'לת אל דבע נמצא תחת הכוונת של מנגנון הטיהור האתני הציוני, והתקיפה מגיעה כחלק מהתגברות המאמצים לגרש את תושבי הכפר שהותקפו על ידי המיליציות הציוניות מספר פעמים השנה, ורק בחודש האחרון אולצו לצפות בהשמדת בתיהם, רכושם ועצי הפרי שלהם עם בולדוזרים וכלי משחית בשירות המדינה." - Source
Translation of the caption : "The village of Khalet al-Dabaa is in the crosshairs of the Zionist ethnic cleansing mechanism. This attack is part of intensified efforts to expel the village’s residents, who have been assaulted multiple times this year by Zionist militias. Just last month, they were forced to watch as their homes, property, and fruit trees were destroyed by bulldozers and state-backed demolition machinery."
After destroy the whole village and leave them homeless. Today another terror attack by the Israeli settlers under full protection by the IOF on the village of Khalet Al-Dabaa, 3 Palestinians were injured and arrested later and 3 solidarity activists were arrested
On March 8, Israeli settlers and soldiers raided Khallet Al Dabaa’ in community Masafer Yatta, in the Yatta Pass, in the area defined by apartheid as "Firing Area 918," and arrested three residents and two solidarity activists, spreading terror, humiliation, and arrests according to the activist Mohammad Hureini.
Context :
The attack comes as part of the increased efforts to expel the village's residents, who have been attacked by Zionist militias several times this year, and just in the last month were forced to watch the destruction of their homes, property, and fruit trees with bulldozers and state-owned demolition equipment.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.