Givati Brigade Videos

“Taking a weekend break, and then we’ll be back to tear down your houses."

"The Torah says that they must be blotted out.. until victory & settlement"

IDF holding a military ceremony in Rafah school

IDF soldiers engaged in a religious war

We eliminated Gaza, my friends

Where is Doha Talat the Palestinian little girl abducted by IDF soldier ?

IDF Captain proudly admits on TV pursuing Nakba on Gaza

Givati Brigade of the IDF holds graduation at the Western Wall of Al Aqsa

A father and son, both in the IDF, reunite at the home of a displaced Palestinian family

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "Because the Gazan scum who nest also in the West Bank and among us [48 arabs] Must be annihilated completely"

IDF soldier filmed themselves urinating on the rubble of a home in Khan Younis

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "Victory is to take their land ... flatten it and build settlements on it"

IDF soldier pretends to snort cocaine in the home of a displaced Palestinian family in Rafah

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "The Arabs [in the West Bank] are sons of satan and there will be no peace with them"

IDF soldier Izhak Buznah burns a Quran inside in a burning mosque

IDF soldier from Sayeret Givati sets a home in Gaza on fire as a joke, marking Sabbath with the blazing house instead of the customary candle

"Bye Bye Mosque"

IDF arbitrarily detain people displaced from Khan Younis on "terrorism" suspicion

The public arrest & humiliation of Palestinian abductees, kidnapped from Khan Younis

Wish they burn alive

IDF tank soldiers blew up a mosque minaret because they were bored

Nowhere to return to Gazans

Torching Shuja'iya neighborhood, genocidal off-comment of Israeli soldier (D.B.) from the Givati Brigade, operation 8th candle of Hanukkah

Lt. Colonel David Levi: "Gaza will be annihilated ... total annihilation ... for our national pride"

IDF Soldier destroying a kitchen countertop with a sledgehammer

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.