Armored vehicle Videos

Video of Israeli forces retreating from Qalqilya

Arabic : destruction Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

Palestinian residents of Nour Shams stay steadfast after huge destructions caused by Israeli raids

Testimony about an home invasion during Israeli raid in Tulkarm

In Tulkarem some refused to leave their homes despite relentless Israeli bombardments and raids

The PRCS teams began distributing food as soon as the Israeli troops are withdrawn

A Palestinian holds the flag of Palestine in front of the Israeli army storming Tulkram

Military reinforcements accompanied by bulldozers storm Tulkarm

A house was set on fire next to the targeted car in the Iktaba suburb of Tulkarm.

Isreali army forced the shop owner to close his shop in Tulkarm.

IDF bulldozers are carrying out acts of sabotage and destruction inTulkarm.

Israeli forces blockade ambulances and prevent medical crew from entering Tulkarm

In Tulkarem, fire breaks out in a nearby house after IDF strike on a car

After the israeli bombing attack on the vehicle in Tulkarm, a fire breaks out in a nearby house.

Again.. Occupation vehicles storm Nour Shams camp in Tulkarm

Three Palestinians were killed in a bombing attack on a vehicle near Tulkarm

Israeli forces storm the city of Tulkarm and besiege the Thabet Thabet Governmental Hospital

IDF soldiers repeatedly shoot at Palestine flag in Tulkarm

View of destruction in Tulkarem after Israelis bulldozered the town

Israeli Army destroys infrastructure and citizens' homes in Nour Shams camp

Scenes from the Israeli occupation forces storming Tulkarm in the northern West Bank

Israeli forces demand that shop owners close their shops after storming the city and camp of Tulkarm

Israeli forces detained two of the PCRS staff in West Bank’s Tulkarem

Students and teachers who have been trapped inside an UNRWA school in Tulkarem by IDF Siege

Tulkarm under attack : israeli Army are displacing hundreds of residents

Tulkarm return to school: teachers and girls were besieged inside school

Israeli bulldozers coninue to destroy the streets and the infrastructure in Tulkarem

arrest EMT Tlkram

Israeli Army arrested Paramedic Team while on duty in Tulkram

Aerial shots of damage in Tulkarem after Israeli army attacks

New destruction by IDF bulldozers in Tulkram during a raid and a siege

"They deliberately targeted the sewage and drinking water, and deliberately destroyed them"

Breaking through the Israeli barriers to reach their schools on the first day of academic year

Palestinian students had to walk across rugged fields to get to their first day of school

Israeli Army initiated a new round of destruction in Tulkarem and Nur Shams

Israeli army bulldozers are back, destroying roads and infrastructure in Tulkarem

This is what the Israeli army bulldozers are doing right now in city of Tulkarem.

Israeli army forces withdrew from the Nour Shams camp leaving widespread destruction to infrastructure

Israeli occupation forces destroy vital infrastructure in Tulkarem and Balata

Israeli police block students from accessing their schools in Umm al-Dalia near Hebron

After nearly 48 hours of intense battles, the israeli occupation forces withdrew from the Nour Shams camp

Israeli forces withdrew from the Nour Shams camp leaving widespread destruction to infrastructure, streets

Israeli bulldozers continue to wreak havoc in the streets of Tulkarm during a military raid

Mustafa Barghouti notes the terrible destruction of the Jenin camp after the withdrawal of the IDF

Israeli forces have re-invaded Tulkarm, leaving widespread destruction

Israeli forces are obstructing Palestinian ambulances carrying patients in Tulkarm

Israeli Army and its bulldozers obstructing the work of medical and journalistic crews

Israeli Amry reinfoces incursion in Tulkarm

Israeli Army re-storm Tulkarm city and besiege hospital

Israeli bulldozers vandalizing the streets during the raid of Al-Fara'a

IDF vehicles storm the city of Tubas

Israeli armored vehicles attempt to run over Palestinian journalists in Tulkarem

Israeli Army continues to raze infrastructure in Tulkarm

IDF bulldozer bent on crushing a car in Tulkarem street

Arrival of the body of martyred child, Muhammad Abdullah Kanaan to Thabet Thabet Hospital

Tulkarm residents bury the body of the child Muhammad Kanaan

Muhammad Abdullah Mohammad Kanaan assassination

Proudly defying IDF vehicles raiding Tulkarm

Israeli D9 attacked and blocked a Palestine Red Crescent ambulance in Jenin

First aid after IDF shot on two journalists from the WAFA news agency were traveling by car in Kafr Dan

IDF bulldozers target journalists at Jenin cinema roundabout

IDF bulldozers target journalists at Jenin cinema roundabout

Israeli forces bulldozing the Cinema roundabout and streets of Jenin

Paramedics lynched, beaten and detained by Israeli Army, and their ambulance vandalised in Jenin

Medic injured in Israeli bombing in Tulkarm

Soldiers take turns shooting at civilians while besieging Thabet hospital

Al Jazeera correspondent had to end a live report under Israeli Army threat

Israeli Army vehicles shot at Palestinian youths and run over their motorcycle

IDF bulldozed of homes, roads, schools, hospitals, shops, and infrastructure in Jenin

Israeli Army storming of Ramallah city, central occupied West Bank.

Israeli Army raids Deir Jarir village in Ramallah

Large destruction left IDF raid on Nur Shams

Large destruction in Nur Shams RC after withdrawal of Israeli army

Rescue teams finally access ruined Nour Shams RC after 2-days-long IDF raid

IDF withdraws after 48 hour raid of Nur Shams RC

For the second full day, the IDF bulldozes Jenin's infrastructure

Residents of Nour Shams camp inspecting massive destruction IDF caused

Israeli bulldozers demolishing the infrastructure of the Tulkarm camp blocking the entrance to Balawneh neighborhood.

IDF evicts then forces a family back to prevent recording of evidence

IDF besieges Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin. "Operation Summer Camps" Day 2

Summary D1 "Operation summer camps" by palinfo

IDF besieges Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin. "Operation Summer Camps" Day 2

Family forced out of home hands in the air

IDF bombed a Palestinian family's home in Nur Shams

Analodou journalist report of Tulkarem situation Day -2

Tulkarem | Israeli military blows up another home in Nour Shames Refugee Camp

IDF razing infrastructure in Nur Shams camp, West Bank

IDF razing infrastructure in Nur Shams camp, West Bank

IDF razed infrastructure in Nur Shams

Israeli occupation forces storm the eastern area of Nablus

IDF destroying infrastructure in the city of Jenin

IDF drives women and children out of their home for a punitive demolition

Siege of the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, north of the West Bank, since last night

Siege of the Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, North of the West Bank

IDF destroying cables in Jenin

IDF incursion Jenin

IDF storming Tulkarm, destroying roads, blocking hospitals

IDF obstructing ambulances in Tulkarm

IDF destroying parked Palestinian vehicles in Jenin

IDF bulldozes streets and infrastructures as part of the wide-scale military raid on Tulkarm and Jenin

A military bulldozer accompanied by vehicles is deployed at the entrance to Jenin camp

IDF prevents ambulance carrying injured man from reaching Jenin government hospital

IDF attack on al-Far'a Refugee Camp

Israeli *medical* military vehicle rams into a car in the town of Beit Furik

We'll turn you (West Bank) into a pile of rubble just like we did to Gaza

Testimony of a mother about her children trapped in school as the army invaded earlier this year

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.