Violent Israeli settler Shem Tov Lusky assaults Palestinian farmers and activist near Susiya




28 January, 2024

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Original Social Media Post

"מהר מאוד הגיע שם טוב לוסקי רכוב על סוס והצטרפו אליו כשישה מתנחלים, שניים מהם חמושים. לוסקי איבד שליטה, דחף ובעט, ניסה לחטוף מצלמות ומספר פעמים הצליף באחד הפעילים עם שוט כשהוא היה בגבו אליו. שאר המתנחלים לא עמדו מנגד וצרחו, דחפו, קיללו והטרידו את אחת הפעילות בקריאות מיניות" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of the caption thread :

"Apparently, the attack by Shem Tov Luski on Thursday was not enough, and the day before yesterday, he returned again to expel Palestinians from their land and violently attack them and the activists who were with them.

The day before yesterday, three activists arrived on private land near the village of Susya to document, together with the landowners, the damage that settlers had caused in recent weeks to many olive trees

"Very quickly, Shem Tov Lusky arrived on horseback, accompanied by about six settlers, two of whom were armed. Luski lost control, pushing and kicking, attempting to snatch cameras, and several times whipped one of the activists in the back with a whip while the activist’s back was turned. The other settlers did not stand idly by; they screamed, shoved, cursed, and sexually harassed one of the activists with explicit comments."

Later, the settlers threatened to break legs and gouge out eyes, going one by one and warning the landowners not to return alive to their private lands, which they have cultivated for many years.

No wonder Luski and his friends behave as if the law does not apply to them; they have no reason to think otherwise. He will continue to attack, steal, and instill fear, and it seems there is no one to stop him.

In the picture: the activist's scars from the settler’s whip."

People in Video

Shem Tov Lusky

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.