Mass Graves Videos

IDF handed over 89 Palestinian bodies in only 35 shrouds, all decomposed, to the Red Cross

Digging of a mass grave in Turkish cemetery to bury 80 bodies of Palestinian abducted by IDF

Dozens of bodies exhumed from the cemetery and transported to an unknown destination by IDF

The second time (at least) that the Ministry of Health in Gaza holds a press conference in front of piles of bodies

Third mass grave discovered at Al Shifa Hospital, bodies are recovered

Testimony: long search to find sister's corpse in a mass grave

Uncovering mass graves at Nasser, day 8

Bulldozer bucket full of bodies

Uncovering a mass grave at Nasser after the withdrawal of IDF

Recognizes the jacket of her son near mass graves at the Nasser Hospital

IDF buried the bodies of hundreds of murdered Palestinians in mass graves at the Nasser hospital

Digging Out a Mass Grave at Shifa

Israeli settlers dug small graves (the size of children) in front of a school for a Palestinian Bedouin community in Jericho

Nasser Medical Mass Grave

Israeli occupation forces residents of Gaza City to bury their dead everywhere except in cemeteries

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.