Cuffs Videos

Man from North Gaza freed from Israeli torture camp to homelessness

Civilians detained and field-interrogated in IDF raid in Nur Shams

MONSTROUS torture: Beaten during surgery NO anaesthesia, dogs raping prisoners

MK: we'll kick families of "terrorists" to Gaza

Soldiers parade "cockroaches", Palestinian abductees

An IDF soldier with a cell phone films two other soldiers as they assault and violently arrest an elderly man, Nouh Hroub, inside his home in southern Hebron

Ismail Al-Ghoul recounts his detention by the IDF in Al-Shifa hospital

Throwing Money at a Prisoner

Prisoner Abuse on Mainstream Channel 13

Prisoner song abuse viral challenge in driveway with dog

"Manny Mamtara" prisoner abuse viral challenge in an office

Shot in both feet handcuffed?

Loading the Prison Bus

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.