Israeli Channel 13 shows prisoners being tortured in a concentration camp on TV




19 February, 2024

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Original Social Media Post

"🧵Israel-Egypt border, around 40°C Female reservist: Do they have AC there? Prison manager: No, of course not. FR: Good. PM: They don't even have a fan. *laughing* Another disgusting propaganda piece by Channel 13's pseudo-journalist Yossi Eli that uses Palestinian abductees as props for the Prison Service inner-Israeli PR system. Eli visited the Ktzi'ot concentration camp in the Negev desert, together with female reservists who serve there, to alleviate public fear regarding female soldiers getting harassed in the so-called "security prisons". While everyone puts up a show for the camera, we get to see a tiny bit of the inhumane, humiliating treatment Palestinian captives are subject to, by indifferent racist Israelis who see them as sub-humans, and the dehumanizing and demonizing attitude of everyone involved towards the abductees. Full 8-minute piece in the following tweet."
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People in Video: Yossi Eli

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.