Al-Shifa Videos

An elderly man, Yousef Faza, describes the attack dog used on him when the Israeli army raided his home in Gaza City

Over 200 days, Hind Khoudray and other Palestinian journalists filmed Israel’s military assault on the Gaza strip

The second time (at least) that the Ministry of Health in Gaza holds a press conference in front of piles of bodies

Third mass grave discovered at Al Shifa Hospital, bodies are recovered

Digging Out a Mass Grave at Shifa

Testimony of a traumatized Palestinian woman who survived the Israeli raid around al-Shifa hospital

A water pipe burst by a bomb in a street

Children hold a press conference, in English, outside Al Shifa Hospital; beg world to care

Israeli airstrike on an ambulance near Al Shifa, 15 killed

Dr. Adnan al-Bursh shows the difficult conditions of al-Shifa

Shifa Not Working

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.