Genocide denialism Videos

Two Nice Jewish People : On their attempt to be Most Moral

Two Nice Jewish People : about Jewish Supremacy

Two Nice Jewish People : against Internation Law and accountability

Two Nice jewish People : On "innocent" civilians in Gaza

For the US State Department, the destruction of Rafah ain't so bad

Gilad Erdan, Israeli Ambassador to the UN farewell address: "Israel is the most moral country in the world

Israel spox denies massacre: There were NO civilians killed

“This is a precise strike by the Israeli army against a Hamas command center” said Olivier Rafowicz sokesperson for France

Why Rabbi Manis Friedman support war crimes and crimes against humanity ?

In an interview, Israeli historian Benny Morris claims that Israel has never bombed any hospital in Gaza

Yinon Magal, on Israeli talk show, rejoices that 42 Palestinian civilians were killed to assassinate Hamas official

Investigation about the "Flour Massacre" in Al Rasheed Street in Gaza City, February 29

"Flour Massacre" is not unbearable for E. Amrusi if you “look away”

After "Flour Massacre" Pr. Elbashan still supports the war even he sounds concerned about the starving children

How dare you compare our ethnic cleansing to the Holocaust?

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.