2 Israeli students shot a propaganda clip ridiculing the claim that Israel's an Apartheid state




13 January, 2024

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Original Social Media Post

"1/9 2 Israeli students shot a propaganda clip ridiculing the claim that Israel's an Apartheid state. As props for the video they used female Palestinian students, without their permission, which is apt because Palestinians never get to have a say about their own lives in Israel." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

en of the thread caption by @Ireallyhateyou 2/9 Instead of using Pal students for wretched Hasbara, they should've asked them how safe they feel on campus nowadays, with so many guns around, waiting for a Palestinian to make a wrong move. Or if they feel safe expressing opinions online, risking expulsion from Uni/arrest. 3/9 They could also ask them how easy it is for them to find a landlord in Tel Aviv who will let them rent an apartment (almost impossible) or whether or not they can buy a home in one of the nearby Kibbutzim or Moshavim (they can't). 4/9 Ask them if they were taught in school about their people's history. Ask them if their family was uprooted in 1948 and lost all its property. If it was - is there now a Jewish settlement on their family's lands? 5/9 Ask them how they are treated at the airport, or every time they have an encounter with the Police. Ask them how it feels to speak their own language on public transport. Ask them if they have any family in Gaza or the West Bank, and if any of them have been killed by IDF. 6/9 Ask them if they can marry a loved one from WB and live with them in Israel. Ask them how it feels that their own country is officially not "theirs". Ask them how it feels to live in a country which refuses to acknowledge the existence of their people. 7/9 Ask them how it feels to be treated as an outsider, a foreigner, even though their family's been living here for hundreds of years. Ask them how it feels when their uncle from Tulkarm can't come visit them, but a random Jew from Brooklyn could move here whenever he wants to. 8/9 Ask them how it feels to be a Palestinian in an anti-Palestinian country, an anti-Palestinian society. How it feels to always be "tested" by their surroundings - "you're either a good Arab or a bad Arab, and you better be a good Arab!" For once, just ask them. 9/9 And of course I haven't even talked about the fact that Israel's version of Apartheid is multi-layered/multi-levelled and Palestinians have different sets of rights (or lack there of) according to their geographic location.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.