"Hey Sherin, I survived, for the second time, I survived."




4 January, 2024

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📍 West Bank - Jenin

Original Social Media Post

"Hey Sherin, I survived, for the second time, I survived."
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Archivist Notes On This Video

Journalist Shatha Hanaysha watched helplessly as Al Jazeera's Shireen Abu Akleh was murdered in cold blood by Israeli snipers in Jenin, in the northern occupied West Bank, in May 2022.

she escaped death a second time in January 4, 2024 when she was directly targeted : “Today, the Israeli forces directly fired at me and my colleagues while we were covering a raid near Jenin. The experience of running for my life, dodging bullets alongside my colleagues, brought me back to May 11th, I remembered Sherin Abu Akleh. I recalled our attempt to escape.»

She wrote this brave message some days before, on December 31 :* "Just two hours ago I found out that we are on the last day of 2023, and I think this has been repeated for many in Palestine with all the events around us: I would like to end the year with all the journalists saying that our message will remain the same in 2024 and we will continue to repeat it: the coverage continues. Mercy for the martyrs of this country, freedom for the prisoners and recovery for the wounded*."

On September 2, 2024, Israeli army soldiers targeted a group of journalists, right next to the cinema roundabout in central Jenin, and their vehicles attempted to drive over a number of between them. She was injured by a bullet fragment in the leg. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJhqbw-L19s

People in Video: Shireen Abu Akleh , Shatha Hanaysha

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.