French Zionist association "Israel is for ever" support IDF equipment




14 November, 2024

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Original Social Media Post

"💀💰🇮🇱Les gilets par balle sur la vidéo d'Israël is Foreveront été financés par l'argent public français. Comment ? Détournement du système de défiscalisation des dons, réservé normalement aux associations humanitaires, et hier, ils ont ramassé un paquet de fric lors du gala du génocide que la France a autorisé..." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of the caption : "The bulletproof vests in the "Israel is Forever" video were funded using French public money. How? By misusing the tax exemption system for donations, which is normally reserved for humanitarian associations. And yesterday, they raked in a huge sum of money during the "genocide gala" that France allowed..."

People in Video

Nili Kupfer-Naouri

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.