Civil Defense worker's 7-month old daughter, under the rubble for 25 days




9 January, 2024


📍 Gaza - North Gaza

Original Social Media Post

""I can't pull my daughter out, she has been under the rubbles for 25 days" A civil defense worker tries to pull the body of his 7-MONTH-OLD baby out of the rubbles of his house which was bombed by Israeli warplanes north of Gaza."
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of father's testimony:

"This is my daughter. I'm a civil defense member and have been on duty for 90 days. Because of the lack of tools and the danger, I've been trying, every day, every day, to pull my 7 months-old daughter from the rubble, and I don't know how. She's been buried for 25 days. I've been trying with only my hands and nails to pull her out after 25 days. Where is the world?! Where is the UN and all those world orgs?! Me, a Civil Defense member, am unable to get her out! Her body has been torn apart, head here and hand there. And she's one of 28 corpses buried under the rubble here."

Grief clearly audible in his voice, a Civil Defense worker, in his orange coat and vest, crouches atop the rubble that has kept him from recovering his baby daughter's body for 25 days and counting, after his home was destroyed by an Israeli air strike.

Archivist Notes: Targeting of Civil Defense in Gaza by the IDF

Documenting a systematic pattern of targeting Civil Defense personnel both while working, and in their homes with their families.

  • As of September 8th, 2024, 83 members of Gaza's Civil Defense have been killed, with the most recent being Colonel Mohamed Morsi, Deputy Director of Civil Defense in northern Gaza, who was martyred with a number of his family members after their home in Jabalia camp was bombed.

Relevant articles:

"Israeli attacks kill at least 82 civil defense personnel, injure hundreds in Gaza since Oct. 7, agency says"

"An Israeli airstrike in northern Gaza has killed a senior aid official and four members of his family. His civil defense group fights fires and rescues people trapped in rubble. So why was he attacked?"

"What does it mean to be a Civil Defense worker in Gaza?"

"At least 82 Palestinian civil Defense personnel have been killed by the Israelis since October"

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.