Civil Defense document themselves being targeted




25 May, 2024


📍 Gaza - Gaza City

Original Social Media Post

"Civil defense personnel in Gaza document some of their horrific experiences working under Israeli airstrikes to save lives."
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Montage of clips filmed by Civil Defense themselves. The sound of explosions can be heard as air strikes land near sites where they are working, including one scene where there is a boy trapped under a large concrete block that they are trying to extricate. In other scenes they run frantically while being shelled, chasing equally targeted fire trucks and ambulances, and in some scenes they take cover from snipers, while trying to escort civilians to safety.

Archivist Notes: Targeting of Civil Defense in Gaza by the IDF

Documenting a systematic pattern of targeting Civil Defense personnel both while working, and in their homes with their families.

  • As of September 8th, 2024, 83 members of Gaza's Civil Defense have been killed, with the most recent being Colonel Mohamed Morsi, Deputy Director of Civil Defense in northern Gaza, who was martyred with a number of his family members after their home in Jabalia camp was bombed.

Relevant articles:

"Israeli attacks kill at least 82 civil defense personnel, injure hundreds in Gaza since Oct. 7, agency says"

"An Israeli airstrike in northern Gaza has killed a senior aid official and four members of his family. His civil defense group fights fires and rescues people trapped in rubble. So why was he attacked?"

"What does it mean to be a Civil Defense worker in Gaza?"

"At least 82 Palestinian civil Defense personnel have been killed by the Israelis since October"

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.