Unknow Videos

IDF soldiers destroyed clinics in Gaza, prevented the entry of medicines, and then mocked medical staff

The Israeli Prison Service footage reveals the inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees in a cell that is unfit for human imprisonment

Testimony of Dr. Mohammad Abu Salmiya, Director of Al-Shifa Hospital, upon release from an Israeli prison

Soldiers of the Israel TikTok Forces having fun with loot at Nasser Hospital Khan Younis

IDF soldiers express their desire to erase and resettle Gaza. "The spirit of messianism descends straight from the hills of the West Bank into Gaza. Together we will be flattened, driven out and settled: the discipline of listening and education."

An IDF Officer inside a Gazan School delivers a “Zionist humanitarian teaching mission in Gaza” that includes the call to return of settlements to Gaza (Gush Katif).

IDF sodliers riding stolen bicycles from Palestinian children homes

Lior Narkis, popular Israeli singer, touring IDF bases and singing hate songs against Gaza to Israeli soldiers

Israeli military official's speech about returned on the Gaza land where they are expelled in 2005

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.