Mustafa Hafez school Videos

Journalist Hamza Murtaja found dead at the Mustafa Hafez School after IDF bombing

"Tell Netanyahu, Blinken and Biden: we will NOT leave!"

"One child, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8...more than 10"

"Tell Netanyahu, Blinken and Biden: we will NOT leave!"

Scenes of rescue from the targeting of Mustafa Hafez School

Rescue efforts of victims from the rubble of Mustafa Hafez school

Torn body of a martyr stuck under the rubble of Mustafa Hafez school

Mustafa Hafez school collapsed in IDF bombing

Report on bombing of Mustafa Hafez school

"The stench of death is everywhere" IDF bombing collapsed school building on people

Chaos following Israeli bombing of Mustafa Hafez school

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.