Al-Far'a Refugee Camp Videos

"They deliberately targeted the sewage and drinking water, and deliberately destroyed them"

Mustafa Barghouti notes the terrible destruction of the Jenin camp after the withdrawal of the IDF

Israeli bulldozers vandalizing the streets during the raid of Al-Fara'a

For the second full day, the IDF bulldozes Jenin's infrastructure

Father mourns his sons killed in Al-Far'a in IDF raid

Analodou journalist report of Tulkarem situation Day -2

Funeral processions for 4 young men killed in IDF raid on Al-Far'a

IDF detains paramedics during raid on Tubas

IDF blows up the Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq mosque in Fara’a camp

IDF killed 2 Palestinian during its aggression on Al-Farea

IDF snipers use a UN building in Al-Far'a refugee camp as a sniper post

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.