Tank shooting Videos

Intense shelling and gunfire in Khan Younis

WCK attacked again - 2 employees wounded by Israeli tank

Journalist Ibrahim Muhareb was killed on duty by IDF tank shooting on a group of journalist

Tanks countdown to shoot at the same time, for fun

Rescue of Salma Al Qadoumi Palestinian - Australian journalist wounded by IDF while covering ground operations

Journalist Salma Al-Qaddoumi wounded in the back : IDF attempt to murder a group of journalists

Besieged family terrorized at home from constant shelling around

IDF compilation: War crimes megapack

It only takes a few seconds for an Israeli soldier to blow up a house

Video montage of Ukrainian-Israeli IDF soldier extolling explosion and burning of Palestinian homes

Israeli tanks opened fire on displaced Palestinian tents

isreaeli tanks opened fire on civilians and journalists attempting to flee al-Mawasi in southern Gaza

Montage on a series of “Flour massacres” in February in northern Gaza.

Witnesses to the “Flour Massacre” on February 29 believe it was “pre-planned” and “intentional”

Investigation about the "Flour Massacre" in Al Rasheed Street in Gaza City, February 29

IDF tank soldiers blew up a mosque minaret because they were bored

New Jersey IDF soldier blowing up houses

Compilation of war crimes committed by the IDF soldier Ofir Amishay

Aftermath of Israeli siege of Al Yaman As Saeed Hospital

IDF matador strikes on a empty house in Gaza city

"There was a mosque" Footage of IDF celebrating mosque explosion

Tank mercilessly fires at civilian car making a U-turn killing the whole family

Israeli soldier operating a tank killed an unarmed Palestinian on the rooftop of his home

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.