Aftermath of Israeli siege of Al Yaman As Saeed Hospital




9 December, 2023

Original Social Media Post



Archivist Notes On This Video

Anas shares a report on the ground after a 3-day siege

  • Clear signs of artillery shelling on the hospital walls
  • Burnt and destroyed cars, ambulances and wheelchairs
  • IDP tents burned, and some people burned inside
  • There were multiple disabled people in the hospital
  • Victims had to be buried in the hospital grounds

UNOCHA: On 9 December, at about 18:18, shelling and live ammunition reportedly hit Al Yaman As Saeed Hospital in Jabalia camp (the north), causing damage. Casualties were reported but their number is unknown. Fearing the risks of moving the bodies of recent fatalities from the hospital, a mass grave was dug for them nearby. Reportedly, a fire broke out near the facility due to the shelling, leading to the burning of tents and cars belonging to IDPs.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.