Women in Israeli prison are kept in cells for 23h in appalling conditions




7 August, 2024

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📍 West Bank - Ramallah

Original Social Media Post

"A pregnant prisoner, prisoners from Gaza, and prisoners who haven’t had a visit for 8 months! 23 hours a day in the cell! Freed prisoner Yara Abu Hashish talks about the dire conditions faced by female prisoners in Damon Prison. 🎥 @MariamBarghouti @GhoshehLama أسيرة حامل وأسيرات من غزة وأسيرات ٨ أشهر بدون زيارة! ٢٣ ساعة يومياً في الزنزانة! الأسيرة المحررة يارا أبو حشيش تتحدث عن الحالة السيئة التي تعيشها الأسيرات في سجن الدامون"
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Archivist Notes On This Video

Yara is a pharmacy student in Birzeit University. She was kidnapped from her home in Ramallah on May 6, 2024 and held under administrative detention. She was released on August 6, 2024

People in Video: Yara Abu Hashish

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.