Testimony of Palestinian paramedic about the impossibility to treat besiege civilians in Jenin




1 September, 2024


📍 West Bank - Jenin

Original Social Media Post

"(EXCLUSIVE) Emergency crews blocked from entering Jenin Camp by the Zionist army, and are unable to treat besieged civilians or bring them supplies. FPTV's Obada Tahayne speaks to the paramedics about the situation. West Bank of Palestine. Filmed: 01/09/2024 Donate: https://FreePalestine.Video Watch on RU: https://rumble.com/v5dapit Watch on YT: https://youtu.be/v1MpI9TMIeg"
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Archivist Notes On This Video

Israel's Extensive Military Operation in the West Bank

The Israeli military has launched its most extensive invasion of the occupied West Bank since 2002, focusing on the Palestinian towns of Jenin, Tulkarem, and Nablus. This operation, reported by Israeli media, involves thousands of soldiers and is expected to last for days. The IDF operation, which is reportedly named Operation Summer Camps, is pretending coming in response to Israeli concern about a growing threat to their security from the occupied territories amid the war against Hamas and clashes with Hezbollah in the north. But comes as a continuation of the far-right government's desire to carry out a campaign of ethnic cleansing.

Key Events:

• August 28 Night Attack: The Israeli army initiated the assault with massive troops, including air support. They are reportedly on the verge of invading a central hospital in Jenin.

Intent to destroy living conditions, ethnical cleansing evidences :

• Ambulance Stations Under Siege: The ambulance station in Al-Far’a camp in the West Bank is under siege by Israeli forces. Paramedics have been forcibly removed and lined up against the wall, preventing them from performing their duties. • Siege on Hospitals: The IDF is imposing a siege on Jenin Hospital, Al-Israa Specialized Hospital and Thabet Hospital : Israeli military vehicles have surrounded, obstructing ambulances and cutting off essential medical aid, according to the Wafa news agency. • Blockades and Water Cuts and electricity in Tulkarem and Jenin cutting water pipes in Tulkarem, • Destruction of Refugee Camps: The military, accompanied by bulldozers, is destroying and besieging refugee camps in Jenin, Tulkarem, and Tubas.

Archivist Notes: Jenin Siege during "Operation Summer Camp"

Jenin Siege during "Operation Summer Camp":

  • Launched on Aug. 28, 2024, by Israel, it is the largest military invasion in the northern West Bank in over two decades.

  • The operation focuses on Jenin, with simultaneous actions in other cities like Tubas, Nablus, Ramallah, and Tulkarem.

  • Israel justifies the operation as a fight against Palestinian resistance groups like the Jenin Brigades.

Civilian Infrastructure Destroyed:

Israeli forces heavily damaged civilian infrastructure in Jenin refugee camp, described as a form of collective punishment.Bulldozers and armored vehicles destroyed homes, streets, and markets. 70% of camp streets and surrounding areas were bulldozed. The refugee camp has been turned into a battlefield, forcing residents to stay indoors.

Siege on Jenin:

The siege blocked access to essential resources like water, food, and medicine. Civilians, including children, the elderly, and the chronically ill, have been trapped inside without help. Some women and children managed to escape at gunpoint, while men and boys were detained.

Mass Arrests and Human Rights Violations:

  • Israeli forces carried out mass arrests of men and boys, including 72-year-old Khayriyeh Khrayneh’s family members. Her husband (a diabetic) and eldest son (a cancer patient) were arrested despite needing medical care.

  • Eyewitnesses described brutal tactics: Palestinian detainees were used as human shields, and attack dogs were unleashed on families.

  • Journalists and media correspondants are systematically threatened by Israeli vehicles or reckless shooting.

Blocking Medical Access:

  • Ambulances were denied entry to the camp, and paramedics were shot at, preventing the retrieval of bodies.

  • The main hospital in Jenin was put under lockdown by Israeli Border Police, turning the surrounding area into a "closed military zone."

  • Even when ambulances were allowed through, they were stopped, and patients were forced to show ID before being admitted.

Deaths and Casualties:

  • At least 19 Palestinians were killed in Jenin during the siege, including minors.

  • An 83-year-old man, Tawfiq Qandeel, was shot by Israeli forces and left to die without medical help. His body was later run over by military vehicles.

  • Three Palestinian children were killed when their vespa was bombed while delivering bread to the residents of Jenin.

  • Since October 2023, nearly 700 Palestinians have been killed in the West Bank, with 185 in Jenin alone.

Brutality of Military Tactics:

  • The operation in Jenin involved anti-tank rifle grenades destroying civilian infrastructure, sporadic gunfire, and drones flying overhead (likely for surveillance or attacks).

  • Civilians described widespread fear and destruction, with Israeli soldiers using homes as military outposts and placing snipers on rooftops.

Worsening Humanitarian Crisis:

  • The Israeli military siege left Jenin and nearby cities under curfew, with road closures and checkpoints stifling movement for both residents and journalists.

  • Palestinians were unable to access basic necessities like flour and baby food due to the complete lockdown of the city.

  • Medical staff, such as nurses, reported being unable to go home for days due to the danger posed by the military operation.

Israeli Justification:

Israeli military leadership stated their intention to target Palestinian armed resistance, stating they would move "from city to city, refugee camp to refugee camp." But despite their claims of targeting militants, the majority of the casualties were civilians, deepening resentment among the Palestinian population and increasing support for resistance groups.

Collective Punishment and Civilian Displacement:

Civilians in Jenin reported feeling that the military operations were designed to push them out of their homes. Jenin’s residents are increasingly describing the siege as an effort to depopulate the area. Residents drew comparisons between the treatment of Jenin and Gaza, seeing the same tactics of displacement and destruction being used in both regions.

Source : https://www.972mag.com/jenin-operation-summer-camps/

People in Video: Salah Mansour

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.