Israeli Captain Harel kidnaped a Gazan baby and took it back to Israel




1 January, 2024

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Original Social Media Post

"WTF?! Did an IDF officer kidnap a Gazan baby?! Shahar Mendelson, friend of the late IDF Captain Harel Itah was interviewed on Galei Tzahal (the army's radio station), and said that Itah had such a "good heart" that he once found a crying baby in Gaza and took her back to Israel" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

On 1 janv. 2024, this story is reported : In a call on the Israel's army radio station GLZ Radio, Shahar Mendelson, a friend of Harel Itah, an Israeli captain who died on Saturday decemeber 31 of his wounds in Gaza, said that Itah found a baby during his time in Gaza and took it back to Israel

People in Video

Harel Itah

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.