"אמש מתנחלים יידו אבנים ופגעו במכוניות פלסטיניות חולפות מזרחית לקלקליה. במקביל, פשטו שוב כוחות המילואים לדיר איסתיא. חיילי המילואים, חלקם אבות לילדים, נכנסו לבתים, הוציאו משם את הגברים הצעירים תוך שהם מפחידים את יתר בני המשפחות - ילדים, נשים וזקנים - אספו והצעידו אותם ברחובות הכפר תחת איומי נשק, אזוקים ומושפלים, למרכז הכפר. קצת אחרי חצות שחררו את העצורים. גם בכפר השכן חארס נכנסו החיילים, על רקע קולות פיצוץ ברחובות שוממים, פלשו לבתים ואספו את הגברים. כל זאת בעקבות יידוי אבנים על אוטובוס צפונית לכפר. ומה בנוגע למיידי האבנים היהודים מזרחית לקלקליה? כלום. שני חוקים לשני עמים. מאז פרוץ המלחמה באוקטובר 23, מדינת ישראל עושה כל שביכולתה לחמם את הגדה. במילים ובמעשים, יחד עם המתנחלים, בשיתוף פעולה עם הצבא והשלטון, ישראל מלבה ומייצרת מלחמה. אין ממשלה ללא מלחמה, אמרו והתכוונו. תמונות וסרטונים: רכבים פלסטינים שנפגעו מיידויי אבנים ע״י מתנחלים, ענישה קולקטיבית בכפרים דיר-איסתיא וחארס" - Source
translation of the caption : "Last night, settlers threw stones and damaged passing Palestinian cars east of Qalqilya. At the same time, reserve forces once again raided Deir Istiya. The soldiers, some of them fathers, entered homes, dragged out young men while terrifying the rest of the families—children, women, and the elderly. They gathered the men, marched them through the village streets under armed threats, handcuffed and humiliated, to the village center. Shortly after midnight, the detainees were released. In the neighboring village of Haris, soldiers entered amidst the sounds of explosions in deserted streets, raided homes, and rounded up men. All this followed a stone-throwing incident targeting a bus north of the village. And what about the Jewish stone-throwers east of Qalqilya? Nothing. Two laws for two peoples. Since the war broke out in October 2023, Israel has done everything in its power to escalate tensions in the West Bank. Through words and actions, together with settlers, in cooperation with the army and government, Israel is fueling and creating conflict. There is no government without war, they said—and they meant it."
Translation of the Mistaclim thread
"Two laws for two peoples, or one law for one people. Under Israel’s military control over the Palestinians, collective punishment flourishes.
On Thursday evening, Molotov cocktails and stones were thrown at Israeli vehicles passing by Deir Istiya. Shortly afterwards, after bypassing the roadblocks it had set up at the entrance to the village, the army raided Deir Istiya. The time that had passed made the capture of the Molotov cocktail throwers impossible. The soldiers went from house to house and randomly arrested 74 men aged 15 to 70, who did not take part of the incident. In one house, the father of the family was forced to choose one of his two sons who were staying at the house. All the men, some of whom were unwell, were made to sit on the street and after an hour were put on a bus in handcuffs and taken to a military shooting range near the settlement of Yakir. There they were met by Captain Hussein, a Shin Bet agent, who explained that because the village head had not prevented the throwing of stones, they were all being punished and that he had no problem killing them. After about 5 hours, the handcuffs were cut, everyone was put on the bus and taken to the neighboring village. Their families came to pick them up from there at night. A similar case of arresting men occurred in the village of Hares several months ago, after stone-throwing.
Last night, around midnight, dozens of soldiers raided Deir Istiya. They broke into five houses, overturned the furniture, and terrorized the families.
Yesterday afternoon, as in many other cases, settlers threw stones at Palestinian vehicles on Route 60. No army came to stop them or arrest them.
Collective punishment is an old tactic. Since the massacre on October 7, the West Bank villages are closed, the settlers come and go freely, setting fire to villages and houses with their inhabitants, beating and abusing and returned home safely to the settlement or outpost, the Palestinians are collectively punished even if they have no idea what or why. In the eyes of the "occupation authorities," the Palestinians are not only not a people, they are also not human. Therefore, the authorities accept with understanding and even joy cooperate with, and sometimes even participate in practice in severe manifestations of violence."
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.