Air strike on Civil Defense causes their fire truck to crash




13 November, 2023


📍 Gaza - Gaza City

Original Social Media Post

"Blessés parmi les membres de la Défense Civile ciblés alors qu'ils se dirigeaient vers une maison ciblée par les forces d'occupation.#Gaza"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of source post:

"Injuries among Civil Defense members targeted as they headed towards a house targeted by occupying forces"

In footage that appears to be the immediate aftermath of targeting, the cameraman is wounded in the leg, groaning in pain as he makes his way to take shelter behind a damaged fire truck. The clip begins with a view of a Civil Defense worker laying still on the ground in the middle of the road. Once behind the truck, more injured Civil Defense workers become visible - all of them indentifiable by their orange vests.

Article about the event: "Members of the Gaza civil defense team were injured in a crash caused by an Israeli air strike. The emergency responders were on their way to a previous air strike site to conduct rescue operations."

Alternative source of same footage: "The moment the civil defense team was targeted by Israeli occupation aircraft in central Gaza City. 13.11.23"

Archivist Notes: Targeting of Civil Defense in Gaza by the IDF

Documenting a systematic pattern of targeting Civil Defense personnel both while working, and in their homes with their families.

  • As of September 8th, 2024, 83 members of Gaza's Civil Defense have been killed, with the most recent being Colonel Mohamed Morsi, Deputy Director of Civil Defense in northern Gaza, who was martyred with a number of his family members after their home in Jabalia camp was bombed.

Relevant articles:

"Israeli attacks kill at least 82 civil defense personnel, injure hundreds in Gaza since Oct. 7, agency says"

"An Israeli airstrike in northern Gaza has killed a senior aid official and four members of his family. His civil defense group fights fires and rescues people trapped in rubble. So why was he attacked?"

"What does it mean to be a Civil Defense worker in Gaza?"

"At least 82 Palestinian civil Defense personnel have been killed by the Israelis since October"

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.