AHMAD' Videos

Dr. Muneer Al-Barsh, the Director General of the Gaza Ministry of Health, describes Israeli torture techniques that includes dogs raping prisoners

Israeli soldiers attack and injure an elderly man near Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israeli forces assault elderly worshipers at the Al Aqsa Mosque

Israeli forces beat women and throw stun grenades at worshipers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israeli forces abduct a 13 year old child from Hebron

Israeli police violently arrest a 12-year-old boy, with a broken arm, from the Tamimi family

Israeli soldiers detain a five year-old child in Hebron

Israeli forces kidnap a terrified small boy

IDF soldiers violently kidnap multiple children in Hebron

Israeli police beat a young girl and shoot stun grenades into a crowd

Israeli forces attack Christians in occupied East Jerusalem

Israeli police officers throw a Palestinian man out of his wheelchair, other officers throw stun grenades, point guns, and assault people

Israeli soliders repeatedly kick and beat bound children

Israeli soldiers use an attack dog against a young boy

Israeli forces assault Muhammad al-Ajlouni, a 25 year-old man with Down Syndrome, in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem

Israeli soldiers beat an elderly Palestinian woman and throw stun grenades into a crowd

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.