With an ailing father and having lost all friends, 10y/o Nabil works to support his family




22 August, 2024

Found by

Eye on Palestine


📍 Gaza

Original Social Media Post

"Child labor in Gaza, driven by war and conflict, strips away childhood and forces children to bear responsibilities far beyond their years. Nabil, a ten-year-old boy,"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Nabil, a ten-year-old boy, has been compelled to work cleaning and selling bicycles to support his family after his father fell ill, taking on the role of "man of the house." These harsh conditions rob children of their fundamental rights and leave deep psychological scars, making them innocent victims of a conflict not of their making. Protecting these children and providing them with support is essential to ensure their right to a dignified, exploitation-free life.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.