"The remains of two young sisters from the Hamdan family have been gathered into a bag of flour after an Israeli airstrike had targeted their home in Khan Younis refugee camp, resulting in their killing along with three other family members." - Source
The IDF strike happened early morning and killed 5. The footage shows fragment of the bomb and a torn mattress, while people assist in search and rescue operations. https://x.com/paldf/status/1828315009371230232
Weapon: Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)/GBU-39 tail actuation section found after a strike in Khan Yunis reportedly killing 5 at the Ziyada and Hamdan family homes. h/t @NemoAnno https://x.com/Easybakeovensz/status/1828401503968649547
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.