Two orphans go out in the morning to look for food




6 September, 2024


📍 Gaza - North Gaza

Original Social Media Post

"كتب مصور هذا المقطع : "هؤلاء طفلان يتميان الأب والام يخرجان منذ الصباح للبحث عن الطعام" هذه حروب أخرى لا يعلم العالم عنها شيئاً، لا أحد يهتم بهؤلاء."
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

These are two orphaned children who go out in the morning to look for food.

These are other wars that the world knows nothing about, no one cares about them.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.