Tribute: 2 months since Israel assassinated Ismail Al-Ghoul and Rami al-Rifi




30 September, 2024

Found by

Al Jazeera


📍 Gaza - Gaza City

Original Social Media Post

"شهران على رحيل #اسماعيل_الغول ورفيقه #رامي_الريفي، رسم الغول صورة لن تغيب وانتصر لرسالة لن تُوقف ولصوت لن يُسكت، فكان الشاهد والشهيد والعزيز الراحل والحاضر بيننا، رحمهما الله وتقبلهما في فسيح جناته . #غزة"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Two months after the departure of Ismail al-Ghoul and his companion Rami al-Rifi, Al-Ghoul painted a picture that will not disappear and labored for a message that will not be stopped and a voice that will not be silenced. He was the witness, the martyr, the dear departed and present among us. May God have mercy on them and accept them into His spacious gardens.

People in Video: Ismail Alghoul

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.