This child survived the Al Tabi'in School massacre and urgently needs treatment outside of Gaza




24 August, 2024

Found by

Khaled Yousry


📍 Gaza - North Gaza

Original Social Media Post

"This child survived the Al Tabi'in School massacre and is currently in northern Gaza. He suffers from muscle weakness and fractures in several places and urgently needs treatment outside of Gaza. May God curse the Israeli occupation once and all those who supported it a thousand times. هذا الطفل نجا من مجزرة مدرسة التابعين، وهو موجود حالياً في شمال غزة. يعاني من ارتخاء في عضلات جسمه ومن كسور في عدة أماكن، ويحتاج بشكل عاجل للعلاج خارج غزة الله يلعن الاحتلال الإسرائيلي مرة وكل من عاونه ألف مرة"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

  • On 10 August 2024, Israel struck the Al-Tabaeen school located in eastern Gaza City, which was hosting displaced Palestinians seeking shelter there during the Israel-Hamas war.
  • At least 100 Palestinians were killed and 47 others were injured, with several victims being trapped in the school as the fire spread
  • At around 4:40 during Fajr morning prayers in the Al-Tabi'een school, which was being used to house roughly 6,000 refugees and internally displaced Palestinian citizens, three rockets struck the building, causing the structure to collapse.
  • It was the fifth attack on a school in a week and the UN Human Rights Office said it was "horrified by the unfolding pattern" of attacks on schools.
  • An Al Jazeera investigation found that the bombing was deliberately performed to result in maximum casualties.
  • A CNN weapons expert identifed shrapnel evident in footage from the aftermath of the attack as coming from a GBU-39 manufactured by the US-based Boeing.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.