"في مدينة غزة يمكنك تفجير المنازل واهدائها الى عائلتك ونشرها عبر انستغرام وهذا كله يراعي قوانين المنصة بل ويدعمها. الجندي Viki نشر على حسابه قبل ساعات فيديو لتفجير منزل فلسطيني في مدينة غزة وكتب عليه: هذا التفجير اهداء الى زوجتي سيڤان واطفالي إيما وإيمانويل" وفي فيديو سابق كان هناك تفجير منزل اهداء لأخيه، تفجير المنازل الفلسطينية هدايا تمنح للجنود وسط كل هذا التآمر." - Source
Soldier Viki posted a video on his account of the bombing of a Palestinian house in Gaza City and wrote on it: “This bombing is a dedication to my wife Sivan and my children Emma and Emanuel. » July 18
google translation of researcher comment : "In Gaza City, you can blow up houses, give them as gifts to your family and post them on Instagram, and all this takes into account the rules of the platform and even supports them.
Soldier Viki posted a video on his account a few hours ago of the bombing of a Palestinian house in Gaza City and wrote on it: “This bombing is a dedication to my wife Sivan and my children Emma and Emanuel. »
In a previous video, there was a bombing of a house dedicated to his brother. Palestinian homes were destroyed as gifts given to soldiers amid all this conspiracy."
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.