The moment unfolds with urgency as Majd Azzam and his siblings are reunited with their baby sister Rima

Original Social Media Post

"كيف له وهو بهذا السن أن يحمل المسؤولية !! 💔" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

How can he, at this age, be responsible?!

"Journalist Zuher Dahlan, reporting on Feb 23rd, 2024, captured a harrowing scene at a hospital in Deir Al-Balah, where children find their baby sister, Rima, among the injured. The moment unfolds with urgency as Majd Azzam and his siblings are reunited with Rima, offering her a sense of family and comfort in the midst of the ongoing chaos. Zuher and the hospital staff encourage the siblings to stay together close to Rima, ensuring she doesn't feel alone in her vulnerable state."

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.