"Testimony from a Female IOF soilder how she abuse Palestinian prisoners. "If I had a bad day, l'd take it out on the prisoners. I'd starve them. I'd tighten their handcuffs if I could. I'd beat them”. Do they have any humanity in them??" - Source
this testimony is gathered by Breaking the Silence / שוברים שתיקה
Following the Oslo Accords and the tensions between the Jewish and Palestinian civilian populations in the Palestinian Territories, three combat companies were founded in the military police, which kept the order in the Jewish settlements. Sahlav (lit. orchid, a.k.a. 60th MP Company) and Sayfan (lit. gladiolus), which were subordinate to the central command unit (391), were located in the Hebron area and the Binyamin area, respectively. The third company, Sirpad (lit. nettle), was founded on the principle of the first two, and was subordinate to the southern command unit (392). It was located in the Gaza Division's base, but later relocated to Nisanit (Gaza Strip), after a merged with Military Police Erez.
As the tensions between Jews and Arabs in the Palestinian Territories increased, these companies started to make arrests and conveyance of Palestinians, contrary to their original designations. As a result, following the onset of the Second Intifada, Sayfan and Sirpad were disbanded due to the lack of operational necessity (many of their missions were taken up by the Ofer and Ktzi'ot prisons, and the Israel Border Police), while Sahlav continued working until December 2005. The Sahlav company was the first IDF unit to provide combat training for female soldiers, long before the Caracal Battalion and similar units were founded.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.