Sulala Animal rescue and Hadeel El Gharbawi built a little school in the Zawaida part of Al Mawasi




16 July, 2024


📍 Gaza - Al-Mawasi - South Gaza - Zawaida

Original Social Media Post

"In cooperation with journalist Hadeel El Gharbawi, we built a little school in the Zawaida part of Al Mawasi! Hadeel is executing the project, while Sulala built the infrastructure and will offer support and supervise. See next tweet -"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Next tweet : "Hadeel has her own fundraiser for this campaign, and we want to keep it separate from the Sulala donation links. Below you can find the links to her fundraiser page, the project’s Instagram and Twitter pages, and also the PayPal link if you prefer to donate that way! "

People in Video: Hadeel El Gharbawi

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.