Since the outpost was established, army and settler invasions to Bardala increased




16 January, 2025

Found by

Younis Tirawi

Original Social Media Post

"3. Since the outpost was established, army and settler invasions to Bardala increased, and one time settlers accompanied by army forces even invaded Bardala's school, assaulted people and shot live fire. The person wearing flanel shirt in the first video is called Eitan Ze'ev, and the settler pointing his gun and screaming in the second video is called Shai Eigner. Remember these names." - Source


Archivist Notes: Raids an pogroms on Bardala

On January 2025

Israeli settelrs established a new outpost west of the village, and began expanding and attacking Palestinian citizens under the protection of the occupation army.

On February 5, 2025

Israeli settlers attacked shepherds while they were grazing their livestock west of the village of Bardala in the northern Jordan Valley.

Human rights activist Leen Sawafta reported that a number of armed settlers from the colonial outpost west of the village attacked local resident Abdullah Sawafta while he was grazing his livestock in the area.

People in Video

Shai Eigner , Eitan Ze'ev

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.