"ولله لنُسأل جميعا في الموقف العظيم عنهم ولله لن تنفعنا لا صلاتنا ولا استغفارنا يااااارب جوّع من جوّعهم وأكسر من كسرهم وأذل من اذلهم و اذِق ما ذاقوه لكل من شمت فيهم اللهم نفس الكسر ونفس الفقد ونفس الجوع اللهم أرنا عجائب قدرتك في اعدائهم ومن عاون عليهم 🤲🏻 #GazaHoloaust" - Source
TRANSLATION OF THE CAPTION : "By God, we will all be asked about them in the great situation
By God, neither our prayers nor our seeking forgiveness will benefit us
Oh God
He starved those who starved them
And I break those who break them
And he humiliated those who humiliated them
And taste what they tasted for everyone who smelled of them
Oh God, the same brokenness, the same loss, and the same hunger
Oh God, show us the wonders of your power against their enemies and those who help against them 🤲🏻
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.