Restoring one of the rare mosques to not have been obliterated by Israel




7 February, 2025

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Original Social Media Post

"بفضل الله تعالى اعادة ترميم وتجهيز مسجد التوحيد في شمال غزة للبدأ في اقامة صلاة الجماعة شراء جهاز صوت ومعدات صوت كاملة مع سماعات داخلية وخارجية ومايكات #مستمرين في كل مشاريعنا الخيرية والإغاثية ولله الحمد #الاردن #امريكا #قطر #عمان #مصر" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

Translation of caption: Thanks to God Almighty, the Tawheed Mosque in northern Gaza has been restored and equipped to begin performing congregational prayers. We bought a complete audio and sound equipment with internal and external speakers and microphones

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.