"بفضل الله تركيب سماعات داخلية للمسجد الغربي في مخيم الشاطئ ( مسجد الشhيد اسما.عيل هنية ) 💔 ينقص هذا المسجد بعض الأمور الأساسية مثل السجاد او الفرش الأرضي وتغطية الجدران المقصوفة" - Source
The small neighborhood mosque was the property of Ismail Haniyeh and built next to his house in Shati camp, west of Gaza City, hence the alternative name: Mosque of the martyr Ismail Haniya. The restoration involved cleaning and adding speakers to support the daily Taraweeh night prayers. The footage shows that the mosque still lacks basic elements including reubilding the bombed walls.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.