Patient tortured after Israeli raid of Kamal Adwan hospital




27 February, 2025

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Original Social Media Post

"Testimony of Mohammed Abed, an injured patient abducted from Kamal Adwan Hospital. Despite needing urgent surgery, he was brutally tortured. He was taken in the same truck as Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, who was later tortured in Ofer prison. #ceasefire #Gaza #DrHussamAbuSafiya" - Source


Archivist Notes: Assaults on Kamal Adwan Hospital

Timeline of key Israeli threats and assaults on Kamal Adwan Hospital, its staff and patients.

November 21, 2024

Around 10:30 pm, Israeli drones dropped grenades on the hospital's reception and emergency entrance, injuring four members of the medical staff.

Israeli drones also struck the hospital's power generator and also disabled the oxygen supply lines, putting the lives of patients in grave danger.

The hospital's director stated havingtno alternative to the generator nor does the hospital have capabilities to repair the damage.

Moments later, Israeli drones targeted hospital staff again while they were taking their injured colleagues to the radiology department, leading to two additional injuries, one in critical condition.

Minutes after midnight, the drones struck the hospital's water supply.

Hospital staff braved the danger to attempt to repair the damage, try to fix the oxygen lines and save lives.

The hospital hosts 85 injured patients, 8 in intensive care, 14 children in the pediatric department, and 4 newborns.

Names of the injured

  1. Abdul-Moneim Al-Sharafi
  2. Shorouq Al-Rantisi
  3. Baraa Al-Bahri
  4. Faris Al-Hudali
  5. 2 patient companions

November 22, 2024

Around 4 pm, Israeli drones dropped grenades at the western gate of Kamal Adwan Hospital, injuring Dr. Saeed Jouda.

Around 10 pm, Israeli artillery shelled the hospital, injuring Dr. Nihad Ghunaim as well as Abu al-Hassan al-Hawajiri, who works in shrouding the dead at the hospital.

Dr. Nihad Ghunaim was seen tending to Dr. Saeed Jouda who was injured hours before.

Around 11 pm, Israeli drones strike the hospital's power generators again, causing a power outage.

November 23, 2024

As of the morning of November 23rd, a total of 12 hospital staff were injured.

Around 11 pm, Israeli drones strike the hospital's generator and fuel tank. Diesel leaked from the tank, presenting a fire hazard.

Moments later, drones dropped grenades on the hospital courtyard and departments, injuring several including the hospital director Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya.

Minutes later, around midnight, drones dropped grenades on the hospital's oxygen supplies.

November 24, 2024

Around midday, journalists reported that Dr. Abu Safiya's condition has worsened (sources 1 2). Dr. Abu Safiya remains in the ICU and stated that his suffers severe bleeding from his wound requiring vascular surgery, which the hospital is lacking after Israel abducted all surgeons and almost all of the medical staff a month prior. He has been appealing for speicalized doctors to be allowed to reach the hospital for almost 50 days to no avail.

Specifically, he suffers from six pieces of shrapnel that penetrated his thigh and have likely cause a tear in the veins.

Around 8 pm, Israeli drones dropped two grenades on the hospital but they thankfully did not detonate.

November 29, 2024

  • Midday: drone strike kills Dr. Ahmad Zyad Al-Kahlout, director of the ICU at Kamal Adwan Hospital. (Sources 1 2)

December 3, 2024

  • 4 pm, Israeli drones dropped grenades at the hospital's gate.

  • 9 pm: Israeli drones drop grenades again again injuring three medical staff, including a critical case that was immediately taken to the operating room.

December 4, 2024

  • 1 am: Israeli drones return to drop more grenades on the hospital.

  • Oxygen supply runs out while maintenance staff are unable to carry our repairs due to the constant threat of Israeli drones over the hospital.

  • 11:45 am: Israeli drones strike the northern courtyard of the hospital.

December 5, 2024

  • Around 2:45 pm: Drones drop grenades on the hospital, resulting in many injuries among patients and their companions. The drones also targeted hospital staff who tried to rescue the victims.

  • Around 4 pm, Israeli drones struck a 32 year-old man in the close vicinity of the ospital killing him.

  • 5 pm: Drones return and strike the hospital's reception.

Dr. Abu Safiya stated that the day's Israeli assault on the hospital resulted to 12 injuries, including the hospital's janitor Baraa Al-Firi, and among the medical staff, one of which is critical as a blood vessel was cut.

The attack also killed a 16 year-old wheelchair-bound patient Mahmoud Abu Al-Eish while waiting to be taken to the radiology department. Mahmoud had arrived at the emergency department seeking help given that his sister works as a nurse in the hospital. The Israeli drones dropped grenades while he was at the entrance of the reception department.

December 6, 2024

At 6 am, Israeli forces besieged the hospital. An hour later, they sent two Palestinians with loudspeakers the hospital, ordering patients and companions to be brought outside. (sources: 1 2)

A medical team from Indonesia, who had arrived at the hospital just 3 days prior, was the first to be forced to leave the hospital.

Dr. Abu Safiya said the hospital's oxygen generators were targeted at night, and that four of the medical staff have been killed. The hospital is now left with only two inexperienced surgeons to treat dozens of casualties brought to the hospital following Israelis trikes on houses nearby.

Early afternoon, footage emerged of the IDF shooting intensely at an ambulance near the hospital with a clear intent to kill.

Around 10:30 pm, Israeli drones dropped grenades in the hospital's courtyard.

On the same say Dr. Mosab Muhammad Darwish, who was abducted from the hospital during the IDF's October raid, was released from captivity along with 17 other Palestinians. However, he was released to Khan Younis, southern Gaza.

December 7, 2024

Starting around 3:45 pm, Israeli drones struck the hospital's maintenance department and oxygen station.

Minutes later, drone gunfire injured two maintenance crews members.

The Israeli attacks also struck the ICU and inpatient departments, leading to further injuries of two wounded patients, including one child.

Around 5 pm, fire broke out in the hospital's medical supplies storage.

Minutes later, the main fuel tank was struck by drone gunfire and caught fire.

About an hour later, there was a black-out due to Israel's continued attacks on the hospital's key infrastructure.

December 8, 2024

Dr. Abu Safiya shared a report on the situation at the hopsital:

  • One of the buildings is without electricity, oxygen and water while other experience outages
  • Israeli strikes are not stopping in the vicinity of the hospital, preventing crews to carry out repairs
  • The hospital is tending to 112 patients including 6 in the ICU and 14 children

At 4 pm, Israeli drones opened fire around the hospital, injuring two people.

December 11, 2024

Dr. Abu Safiya stated that parts of the hospital were damaged as a result of a night of intense airstrikes, particularly following the total destruction of a house opposite of the hospital where the Abu Al-Tarabish family was massacred. He added that the constant attacks by Israeli forces render the hospital's repair efforts futile.

December 12, 2024

At midday, an Israeli drone shot in the head Dr. Saeed Jouda while he was headed to Al-Awda to check on a patient. He was pronounced killed moments later at Al-Awda Hospital.

The 68 year-old Dr. Jouda was the only orthopedic doctor left in North Gaza. He was retired but decided to volunteer at Kamal Adwan Hospital amid the genocidal Israeli invasion of North Gaza and its abduction of the hospital's medical staff. He was injured in one of Israel's assaults on the Kamal Adwan Hospital weeks prior, and his house was bombed during Israel's ongoing invasion of North Gaza, killing his son and nephews.

Head nurse Karim Jaradat was also killedby a drone on his way to Kamal Adwan hospital.

Around 7:30 pm, an Israeli drones dropped grenades injuring 4 people at the hospital, among which 3 medical staff.

December 13, 2024

Ambulance set on fire in front of the hospital.

December 14, 2024

Around midday, a WHO delegation came to transfer some patients and deliver some medical supplies. During their visit, which was coordinated, Israeli drones targeted crews at the hospital injuring two paramedics and damaged the ambulances and the oxygen supply. Houses around the hospital were also struck at the same time.

December 15, 2024

Israeli drones continuously struck the hospital since early morning.

In the evening, drones started shooting anyone moving inside the hospital.

Dr. Abu Safiya shared details on the events in the following day:

  • A convoy of ambulances reached the hospital but were shot at by Israeli forces, injuring two paramedics and putting 3 ambulances out of the 4 out of service
  • Snipers shot at the ICU and their presence threatens anyone moving inside the hospital. As such, some patients were being treated in the corridors and staff were unable to go out and carry out repairs on damaged equipment

December 16, 2024

Around 5 pm, an Israeli drone dropped a grenade on the hospital's generators, leading to a power outage.

At midnight, drones drop 10 bombs on the hospital, causing fire to break out in the third floor.

December 17, 2024

  • Around 9:40 am, Israeli forces opened fire towards the ICU.

New pictures were circulated documenting the extensive damage inside and around the hospital.

December 18, 2024

Early morning, Israeli attacks caused fire in the ICU.

December 20, 2024

Arond midday, Israeli tanks shelled the hospital's gate.

December 21, 2024

According to journalist Anas Al-Sharif, Israeli forces covered all roads leading to the hospital with gunfire since the morning.

Around 8 pm, Israeli artillery started directly shelling the hospital, in conjunction with gunfire towards its entrance, ICU, NICU and shells falling on the courtyard and roof.

The IDF deployed explosive objects in close proximity to the hospital. This was later confirmed by Dr. Abu Safiya in a post who described the Israeli assault as unprecented in violence.

Around 10 pm, Israeli troops ordered an immediate complete evacuation of the hospital, and detonated explosives nearby.

Around 10:45 pm, Israeli shelling injured people in the laboratory department. Moments later, they shot at the inpatient department.

Amid the relentless assault, patients, companions and staff had sheltered in the corridors.

Dr. Abu Safiya posted another update highlighting the Israeli attacks have not stopped.

December 22, 2024

Attacks resume around midday with drones dropping grenades, including on the hospital's power generators. The attacks led to a power outage at the hospital.

eople inside the hospital shared with Al Jazeera that everyone is at risk of famine as basic necessities have run out of life. The are still crowded in the corridors to be safe from Israeli attacks in complete darkness because of the power outage.

Some corpses have yet to be buried and remain inside the hospital as people are terrorized by the constant attacks on and around the hospital.

Late night, footage emerged showing Israeli snipers shooting relentlessly at the hospital and damaging its infrastructure.

December 23, 2024

The IDF deployed a remotelyoperated armored vehicle to drop a wooden bo at Kamal Adwan Hospital with a "Danger" label written on it. Initially presumed to be full of potent explosives, it was later revealed by journalist Islam Bader in a report (Arabic) to Al Araby TV (at the 1:50 mark), that it was a prank by Israeli soldiers as the box was full of caricatures.

However, at 11:30 pm, two actual explosives were detonated in the vicinity of the hospital. The building sustained severe damage and the injury of over 20, including medical staff, some were already injured in prior assaults.

Around an hour later, a third explosive was detonated in the vicinity.

December 24, 2024

Israeli attacks on the hospital continued during the day as seen in an update on the situation hared by Dr. Abu Safiya where at least 2 loud explosions were heard while he was recording his message.

At 10 pm, Israeli forces started a spree of detonating "explosive robots" in the vicinity of the hospital:

Dr. Abu Safiya shared details about the damages caused, noting that all doors and windows were destroyed in addition to some walls with debris scattered across the hospital. He added that around 1:30 am, Israeli jet fighters started bombing houses in the vicinity causing even more panic and fear among the people inside.

December 25, 2024

Around 4 pm, an Israeli airstrike targeted the upper floors of Shada Tower opposite Kamal Adwan Hospial. The airstrike resulted in damage to the hospital's generators and diesel storage in addition to a number of injuries, including among medical staff. (source)

At midnight, Israeli forces detonate an "explosive robot" near the hospital. Nurse Hassan Al-Dabbous sustained a serious injury to this head while working at the ICU. He sustained a skull fracture exposing his brain mattter in addition to broken facial bones

December 26, 2024

5 employees were killed in two targeted strikes:

  1. Dr. Ahmad Sammour (Pediatrician)
  2. Israa Abu Zayda (Laboratory Specialist)
  3. Abdulmajid Abu Al-Aish (paramedic)
  4. Maher Al-Ajrami (paramedic)
  5. Faris Al-Hudali (Maintenance Specialist)

Dr. Abu Safiya shared details about the circumstances of their murder later in the day:

  • The paramedics were struck about 500 meters away from the hospital while they were headed to it
  • Dr. Sammour, Israa and Faris were killed around 4 pm in an Israeli airsrike on a residential building in the vicinity of the hospital. Dr Sammour was residing there with his family. Israa had went out to take food to her father and brother who also resided there, when the building was bombed. Faris had rushed to the rescue following the airstrike but was struck as well.

December 27, 2024

Around 7 am, IDF vehicles besieged the hospital and troops ordered everyone inside, including patients and wounded, to come out to the courtyard.

Around 9 am, the troops stormed the hospital, cut the oxygen supply and forcibly displaced patients, wounded and some staff to Al-Fakhoura school where they have been detained and searched again. The troops also detained about 34 staff, including Dr. Abu Safiya and journalists Islam Ahmed and Muhammad Al-Sharif who were key in documenting events in and around the hospital since Israel's third ground invasion of North Gaza began. Muhammad was released and made it to Gaza City late evening. The IDF also detained the head of Civil Defense in North Gaza, Ahmad Al-Kahlout

Dr Abu Safiya walking alone toward Israeli tanks

Some patients were directed to the Indonesian Hospital, which Israeli forces had put out of service two days prior through detonations, shelling and forced evacuation of its medical staff.

Detained medical staff were deceived led to believe they would be transfered to the Indonesian Hospital too. However, once they were taken to Al-Fakhoura school, soldiers stripped them of their clothes and soldiers proceded to brutally beat Dr. Abu Safiya.

A detainee released on December 29 witnessed how Dr. Abu Safiya was brutalized: "Israeli occupation soldiers whipped Dr. Hossam Abu Safiya with a street electricity cable (worse than a whip), which they call the "Norwegian cable." This happened after they forced him and others from the Kamal Adwan Hospital staff to strip. This took place at the field interrogation center in the Al-Fakhoura area before they took him to an unknown location."

*A man with crutches sits blindfolded and hadtied among dozens of other patients and medical staff detained at Al-Fakhoura school

Dozens of patients detained, including a movement-impaired elderly, medical staff in white coats

At midday, the IDF set fire to all departments in the hospital including surgery, laboratory, and maintenance.

Fire inside the hospital

As the fire spread, some men tried to put it out using water from a dialysis machine, which was the only water available to them. However, the water was mixed with chlorine and caused the men burns to their hands and faces. About 4 men in the maintenance department, and other patients, were killed in the fire (sources 1 2 3).

Medical laboratory specialist Shorouq Al-Rantisi, who was injured a month prior, stated that the troops burned the hospital's archives and recounted how women, particularly young girls under 20 were forced to removed their hijabs and clothes, an act of clear intention of humiliating them as Muslim women. The testimony was corroborated by others adding that Israeli soldiers beat a 12 year-old girl who refused to submit to the humiliation.

About 30 people displaced from Kamal Adwan Hospital reached the Indonesian Hospital around 10 pm with serious health complications.

Israeli propagandists relayed IDF statements confirming the involvement of the 401st Armored Brigade of the 162nd Division in the raid.

December 28, 2024

The Ministry of Health confirmed that the hospital's director Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya, journalist Islam Ahmed, and the head of Civil Defense in North Gaza Ahmad Al-Kahlout are in Israeli detention.

Journalist Mohammed Qriqea collected the following testimony of horrific scenes he witnessed while at Kamal Adwan Hospital prior to its forced evacuation: “Civilians were engulfed in flames set by Israeli forces in what remained of their homes, crying out for help until their voices disappeared. The streets were littered with explosive robots that killed dozens and destroyed what was left of the houses. He saw a disabled child who was directly killed by soldiers in front of his home. Another civilian, carrying a white flag and telling the soldiers he was a civilian and uninvolved, was immediately shot, his body riddled with bullets to the point that his features were completely unrecognizable. According to the witness, there were thousands of inconceivable scenes throughout their time near Kamal Adwan Hospital.

32 people including medical staff, their children and 17 patients and wounded had arrived at the Indonesian Hospital and discovered they could not receive bare mimimum medical care as the hospital has no electricity, water, medicine or medical supplies available.

The IDF officially claimed arresting 240 people from Kamal Adwan Hospital for the usual terrorism claims without providing evidence, including Dr. Abu Safiya "suspected of being a Hamas activist".

It also brazenly published footage of its troops taking away the hospital's power generators

Hanukkah candles lit by Israeli soldiers at the hospital

Following the Israeli raid no news came from the hospital.

January 1, 2025

Nurse Hassan Al-Dabbous, gravely wounded on December 25, succumbed to his injuries. (Sources: 1 2)

Ceasefire update: January 20

After the ceasefire entred into force on January 19, journalists went back to the hospital and found it in a state of complete destruction with clear signs that it was burned down.

February 11: News on Dr. Abu Safiya

The lawyer of Dr. Abu Safiya was finally able to meet him, and reported to his family that he was subjected to severe mistreatment and torture in the early days of his detention and was held in solitary confinement for 24 days.He suffers from chronic high blood pressure and heart muscle hypertrophy and is undergoing treatment. However, the Israeli occupation provides him with only one meal, of very poor quality.

People in Video

Dr. Hussam Abu Safiya

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.