"اعادة افتتاح المستشفى الجزائراي في المنطقة الشرقية لمدينة خان يونس بعد تدمير محتوياتها من قبل الاحتلال الاسرائلي بجهود جمعية البركة الجزائراية علما بان المستشفى يخدم ١٥٠ ألف نسمه" - Source
Reopening of the Algerian Hospital in the eastern part of Khan Yunis after its contents were destroyed by the Israeli occupation, through the efforts of the Algerian Al-Baraka Association, noting that the hospital serves 150,000 people.
The footage shows the restored dental care equipment and laboratory department. The reopening was achieved thanks to donations from the Algerian Al-Baraka NGO.
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.