"مجزرة فجر اليوم شاهد الطفلة ملك عبد الرحمن من منطقة بطن السمين في مدينة خانيونس نجت من القصف مرتين استشهد أفراد أسرتها ولم يتبقى لها إلا شقيقتها الصغرى" - Source
Child Malak Abdul-Rahman recounts how she lost most of family numbers in 2 strikes on her home in Batn al-Samin area in Khan Younis in the span of one week. One week ago she a strike killed her sister, while she and her parents were injured. Then on he night of August 28, a second strike hit struck at 2am while they were asleep, home and killed her injured father, brother, twin sisters, aunt and mother's uncle. She now has to care for her only family left: her little sister and injured mother
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.