No space to bury 40,000 martyrs. Elderly gravedigger's plea




15 August, 2024

Found by

Hassan eslayeh


Original Social Media Post

"صرخة من بين المقابر لم تعد تتسع هذه المقابر لدفن الموتى مع ارتفاع أعداد الشهداء إلى 40,000 شهيد. ذوو الشهداء عاجزون عن دفع ثمن القبور .. أيام صعبة لم تمر على الحاج أبو أحمد الذي يعمل في دفن الموتى والشهداء منذ 30 عاما." - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

A cry from the graves These cemeteries are no longer large enough to bury the dead as the number of martyrs has risen to 40,000. The families of the martyrs are unable to afford the costs for the graves.. Elderly gravedigger Hajj Abu Ahmed, who has been working in burying the dead and martyrs for 20 years, has not experience such extreme difficulties before

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.