"وسط الظلام، تتساقط القذائف على منزلك دون سابق إنذار أو تحذير. تخرج مع عائلتك هاربين من الموت والنزوح بعيداً دون أن تعلم إلى أين تذهب ومن أين يأتي إطلاق النار. الجميع يصرخ، الكل خائف، الأطفال يبكون ويحتمون بأجساد والديهم التي لا تقيهم لا رصاصاً ولا قذائف. الرصاصات تقترب منك، ويتساقط حولك الناس بين قتلى وجرحى، جميعهم تعرفهم، هم عائلتك وجيرانك. تسمع صراخهم وألمهم لكنك لا تستطيع أن تفعل شيئاً. ويبقى القدر هو الوحيد الذي يوصلك إلى برّ أقل خطورة، فلا أمان في غزة. ليلة من النزوح تحت القصف العنيف وتقدم الآليات." - Source
People flee from the Qizan al-Najjar area in Khan Younis at midnight under heavy and intense shelling after a sudden incursion of occupation forces in the area between Miraj and Qizan al-Najjar, southeast of Khan Yunis. This follows the bombing of Al-Shaer family which completely collapsed upon its 20 occupants, buried under the rubble. The area is crowded with residents and displaced persons. Sources: https://x.com/Hamzaalnamla1/status/1828505485324230928 https://x.com/AHM3D_HAMDAN/status/1828537967104692571 https://x.com/Hamzaalnamla1/status/1828545007873036631
"In the dark, shells fall on your house without warning. You go out with your family, fleeing death and displacement far away, not knowing where to go or where the shooting is coming from. Everyone screams, everyone is afraid, the children cry and take cover behind the bodies of their parents, who do not protect them from bullets or shells.
Bullets are approaching you, people are falling around you, dead and wounded, you know them all, they are your family and neighbors. You hear their screams and their pain but you can't do anything.
Fate is the only thing that can take you to a less dangerous shore, as there is no safety in Gaza.
A night of displacement under heavy shelling and the advancement of machinery."
The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.