Namaa College strike: largely destruction and grievous injuries




3 September, 2024

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Original Social Media Post

"#شاهد| الدمار الذي خلفه الاحتلال عقب قصفه كلية نماء بمنطقة الصفطاوي في حي الشيخ رضوان شمالي مدينة غزة"
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Archivist Notes On This Video

• The Namaa College is operated by the Namaa Association whose HQ was at the same place that was bombed, located in Ard Al-Shanti, in Saftawi area, Sheikh Radwan neighborhood. • The college was used as shelter by displaced persons • It was also used to distribute food aid to the neighborhood’s residents • 7 killed, 30 injured • The airstrike caused fire to break out which was seen to have consumed a stack of flour bags • IDF called people in the premises to evacuate the area, hinting at possible subsequent airstrike. The second strike did not occur

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.