"My heart is very attached to him. My son dies a hundred thousand times a day."




June, 2024


📍 Gaza

Original Social Media Post

"" قلبي معلق فيه كثير، ابني بموت في اليوم ألف مرة " طفل ولد مريضًا ويعيش على التنفس الصناعي بسبب الفسفور الأبيض الذي أطلقه الاحتلال على قطاع غزة"
- Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

"My heart is very attached to him. My son dies a hundred thousand times a day." A child was born sick and lives on a respirator because of the white phosphorus that the occupation released into the Gaza Strip. First publication : June 24.

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.