"My friends, where is humanity? Why does this keep happening?" Making bread while massacre happens in Deir al Balah Girl' School




28 July, 2024

Found by

Mohamed Mosa


Original Social Media Post

"🙏🏼🥣💔💦Yesterday a school in Deir al Balah was bombed. This was very close to my camp. We were all terrified. Maria froze, she couldn't move, it was as if someone had pinned her to the ground. After such a horrific attack, us adults always try to find out if loved ones were hurt. The attack was all we talked about yesterday. We scroll through pictures, hoping we don't know the parents or maimed babies and children. We look on in horror, knowing these innocent kids were killed so violently. Their bodies are often ripped apart. What is left of them are pieces of flesh. My friends, where is humanity? Why does this keep happening? This aggression has now been going on for almost ten months. Why won't the West do anything? Why do they keep killing us? Oh good Lord, end all war and bombing in the world and let us live in peace. We try to do things like normal again today. We have to. I started my bakery again today, because people need something to eat and not think about death all the time. I also distributed water and enjoyed talking to the kids about anything other than that. But truthfully, I want to escape as soon as it is possible. I want Maria out of here. I need to bring her to safety. Please help us, my friends. We are so scared and traumatised http://gofund.me/3792e2c3 https://www.gofundme.com/f/cruelty-free-meals-north-gaza http://paypal.me/momusaharaz" - Source


Archivist Notes On This Video

"My friends, where is humanity? Why does this keep happening?" Making bread while massacre happens in Deir al Balah Girl' School. July 28 Mohamed Mosa, from Gaza Animal Care organisation.

People in Video

Mohamed Mosa

The details for each video come from social media. None of it has been verified.